So here's where it all started... Boulder, Colorado... the beginning of the greatest part of my life and also the crux that made me never be able to fully appreciate where i grew up. i've been in maine for 15 months now... post graduation. i thought i'd stay for 2 or 3. Woops, my b. well... in my head i'm set to leave in a little over a month, so we'll see how that turns up. click me!
i tried to get the mag to run this silly little bunny thing a couple months ago. they weren't as impressed as i was. come on, those rabbits are cute!
todays thought: it's super nice out, i've been shralping the puter all week, and it's time to go watch the skaters be rad. here are some more pics since i didn't really say anything worth reading today.
me and finally have been spending evenings together lately, and i must say, she's really quite the dog. i've been spending a lot of time looking at this guy has really done it all. i love the new feild notes notebooks, and all the pictures of his dog, gary. this guys is everywhere in graphic design.
today's thought: it's funny how quickly a feeling of change can come. we get ourselves deep into rountines and responsibilities and as soon as we can lift away from them and look at ourselves from a broader angle we can know what's right. the more often we broaden our perspective the more we'll be happy in our everyday lives. maybe today i'll get a parking ticket. actually, today i'll probably get a parking ticket. it won't bother me. living on the island has imensley helped me with this perspective. the people there are just going about thier lives, hard working and loyal to one another. it's a true sense of community. i'm incredibly lucky to have had that experience. but it wasn't mine, and now i'm off to find what is. here are more photos from my time there.