Happy thanksgiving, blah blah blah. My whole entire family is together at my mom's house today in Maine and it's actually kind of sad for me and I miss everyone. It's funny the relationships families have. You take all these people, some who choose to be with one another, husbands and wives, and then others who just got put in the same car on life's road, sisters, brothers, cousins. And then they're all bound to eachother from time they get the muck wiped off of them at birth to the time they get covered back in muck at death. And they share all these experiences. But remain individual and spread out all over, and on days like today they come back together... eat grammies three section rolls, do the turkey dance, and remember how they came about living the life they're living. Grammy will say grace, and hopefully they go around the table and say thanks for things, and remember the people who have sat that table in past who can no longer be there. Tonight my grandmother will announce she's going to be a great grandmother, and jen can show everyone the ultrasound of little alien baby ralph. And then little Alien Ralph will be thrown into the car with the rest of us, being the first in a whole new generation of people who gather around tables, scrape plates and take the dessert orders. Ahhhh. Sometimes I really do love this life. But I really hope the name Ralph doesn't stick.
So to honor this family holiday, I'm giving thanks to them and keeping them in mind for my photo choices today.