I'm at my computer a lot. And when I say a lot, mean really, like the majority of my waking hours. Which is really bad. But it's also a good opportunity to have a fun little blog that I'll post to and share links and things on. Here's what I want to do.
1. link to something worth looking at
2. show a new picture
3. share a small thought or two
if you're interested in typography, design, or just need to know the date.
and here's today's thought: I don't know if I love commuting to the island or hate it. Which is weird because I know I love certain things, like Finally, visiting my sisters and beating people at cribbage (shown above), and I know I hate certain things, like touching raw chicken, being sick and fake sweeteners. But I can't yet lump commuting into one of those categories. It's kind of like touching raw chicken for an extended amount of time but then ending up at my sister's house.
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