i'm missing friends lately, to name a few, damn it, i miss craig back home, miss jean and jenn in colorado, and i miss jweb out in the midwest where are the nicest people are from. miss the sisters of course, down on the beach, what a scatter. miss my dog, but anyone who knows me, knows that.
sipping some barley wine, which is weird, kinda just kind sweetish dark beer. don't know if i really like it but it get my mind rolling, and i kinda need that when i get home from work. geez that stuff can get into you so much more than you intend it to. get all woven into your feelings and moods and can make you unhappy if you don't watch out.
I'm going to be living my preachings this upcoming week though. and damn i'm feeling ready for it. I aways tell people when they're feeling down there's just two things you need to be constantly aware of - like watching the gauges on your car - perspective and balance. and hell i think i'm going to have one great powerful dose of perspective from the helicopter on monday. oh boy. so yea, perspective. it can be cold here, yes. can be dark, sure was. can be boring, did that. can be frustrating as all hell, check off that box. but i think a nice scare every once in awhile forces me into seeing all the yum yums in my life. alright. i'm sick of rambling while waiting for these pics to upload on my shitty ass stolen wireless connection.
here's some scenarios i can think of where they're from:
playing pool at the sitz
at my boss's cabin
on the front deck
some creek near alyeska shralping
annndd.... i'm spent.
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