So cool website, you can listen to my newly uploaded playlist via the intraweb and create your own to share with friends.
Upfall: good design, good music picks by other users.
Downfall: only supports mp3s, what does this mean? when you download from itunes it's a .m4p file, this is what makes you not able to share on lots of computers, yada yada, but to get around this, burn the song on to a cd, and reimport it to your itunes library... wa-la. mp3.
MUX me.
hotter than a pepper sprout.
ALSO. I'll be in Boston in 47 days with BrendaGraceFace for the HOW design conference. AMEN to that. So if you're in the NE and you read the ME then come paint pictures and wander boston with us.

1 comment:
so wicked excited for bah-ston.
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