Brenda's thoughts on the end of the world and Alaskan survival:
Due to the fact that it has been in the -20's lately, and I'm in the middle of reading Stephenie Meyer's book "The Host", thoughts of the end of the world have been frequenting my mind lately. Street signs covered in hoarfrost, my car not starting, and iced over buildings have made me think about what it would be like if the end of the world came, like tomorrow... and I was stuck in this hell hole of a freezing state. And I've decided contrary to popular belief (leah's)... we would actually be far better off up here in the north. Think about it.... We're far less populated than down in "the states"... so there would be more shiz to go around. Less fighting till the death over leftover twinkies at walmart. Our stores up here, are already fully loaded with winter survival shit. Boots, Parkas, GUNS... and we're already slightly acclimated to what a nuclear winter would be like. so

I think it would be just fine. We could band together with the natives and hunt moose. Wrap ourselves in sealskin blankets.
and just think about how many fucking trees are around us. Everyone in the lower 48 would be good and dead before we could get through all the trees up here.
Furthermore, I know how to make a survival snow mound.
Do you?
Down here in the states they just tell us to assume the HELP (heat escape lessenening posture)position until someone from alaska makes it down here on their dog sleds to feed us some blubber
that's dispicable. us alaskan are always relied on to save your weakasses.
I'm just waiting for Piper to come of age.
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