today marks the completion of one of the hardest deadlines i've had to meet in the last year and a half at this job. sans creative director, sans real direction at all, i was faced with a massive website with completely non traditional navigation and aimed at 15-20 year old alaskan native youth about sexual health. Once the the navigation and concept were nailed down (4 days) I had 5 days to complete the site. i've been working longggg days/night all week, and have gotten to know the cleaning people here all too well. i've also found if you need a little inspiratation late night at the office, download a banging 90s hip hop mix. wont disapoint. back when diddy was puff daddy. images shown are place holders,
ba photo and
fish photo.
in the midst of the we're doing
photoshoots for content and i'm looking forward to getting out to the alaska native heritage center today.
my film is sitting idle in it's cameras, sad and somewhat neglected, but i managed to get a few shots off yesterday with the leica out at westchester lagoon when i allowed myself a 10 minute break. so monday. off to kellers and the gym. tomorrow. getting outside with my shred stick. and today.... please no snafoos. please please. and then i need to unwind and eat something because i'm pretty sure i've lost 5 lbs this week.
1 comment:
well done.
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